Heritage and conservation
Council protects and manages environmental heritage by identifying heritage items and heritage conservation areas in the Lismore Local Environmental Plan (LEP) and ensuring development does not negatively impact their heritage significance.
A complete list of these items and areas can be found in Schedule 5 of the LEP 2012.
There are also seven heritage conservation areas within the LGA.
The objectives of this protection are to conserve, protect and enhance the LGA's natural and cultural heritage, including buildings, structures, landscapes, historical sites, and Aboriginal cultural significance such as bora rings.
What are the different types of heritage listing?
Heritage listings can be included in one or more planning instruments such as a Local Environmental Plan, State Environmental Planning Policy or the State Heritage Register.
Being listed as a heritage item or located in a conservation area can affect what can be done with a building or area, properties in the vicinity of a heritage item or a conservation area will also be affected by heritage listing as council considers the impact of development near these areas.
What is the difference between a heritage item and a place within a conservation area?
A heritage item is a building determined by Council to be of individual importance for its historic, aesthetic, social and/or technical value.
A conservation area is a place identified by Council as having significant streetscape or built environment characteristics, such as its subdivision pattern, building materials and the age of its building stock.
For more information on heritage items and conservation areas, contact the Heritage Council of NSW or Council on (02) 6625 0500.