Development guidelines
Vegetation Management Plan guidelines
A Vegetation Management Plan (VMP) is a report intended to assist an applicant in managing existing native vegetation, environmentally sensitive areas and weeds on the site of a proposed or existing development. These guidelines have been provided to assist applicants in describing the proposed management of vegetation on the site of a proposed development.
The preparation of a VMP is generally required for development applications where the native vegetation on the site of a proposed development has high conservation value or where regeneration of existing native vegetation and/or revegetation of cleared areas are proposed by the applicant or is required by Council as a condition of consent for a development application.
The quality of a VMP submitted to us as part of a development application will be assessed according to the structure and content recommended in these guidelines.
These guidelines are aimed at assisting those responsible for preparing landscape plans for developments that require landscape design/architecture.
The Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management (CKPoM) for south-east Lismore provides an equitable blueprint for the continued coexistence of people and koalas in and around Lismore. The CKPoM only applies to the south-east region of Lismore City. You should read the CKPoM if you intend to develop in this area.
A Sediment and Erosion Control Plan is required for all new building work, alterations or additions that involve changes in stormwater drainage. Soil and Water Management Plans are required for larger developments. These plans must be submitted and approved by Council with development applications with all sites being continually monitored.
Council has developed a strategy to guide the design, installation and maintenance of onsite sewage and wastewater systems.
This policy is for the management of contaminated land in the Northern Rivers region and aims to ensure that contaminated land is considered at the earliest stage of development and that there are no negative effects on the environment or public health from land use. It also outlines acceptable remediation techniques for contaminated land.
Contaminated Land Report Summary Table must be included in all contaminated land reports submitted to the council. Reports will not be reviewed without the summary table attached. The summary table is designed to ensure that essential and mandatory information required by ASC NEPM and the NSW EPA is included in contamination reports.
Consultants should record the relevant page numbers on the summary table, this method is similar to the approach taken by many EPA accredited auditors and will confirm if critical information has been considered and documented.