Browns Creek Inlet (Clyde Campbell Carpark) – In Progress

Browns Creek is one of the primary stormwater channels from downtown and East Lismore into the Wilsons River, via the Browns Creek Pump Station. The pump station inlet – alongside Clyde Campbell Carpark – is primed to undergo a key upgrade.

Funding Made possible under Flood Risk Management Infrastructure funding through the Northern Rivers Recovery and Resilience Program (NRRRP)
Status In progress
Timeframe Estimated start October 2025
Disaster AGRN1012

Works will include the introduction of mechanical trash racks, which will protect the pumps from water-borne debris and aid their continued operation during flooding events.

Improved Council access for ongoing maintenance, as well as enhancing the biodiversity of the site by replacing invasive plant species with native alternatives, are also planned.

Browns Creek inlet pre works

Browns Creek inlet during a weather event

Location: Clyde Campbell Carpark (behind Singh’s Tyre and Mechanical)