Fibre Connect Pump Stations Project – In Progress

Lismore City Council is improving the resilience of its flood management infrastructure with the rollout of a new 10-kilometre fibre optic connection linking the water pump stations to operations.

Funding Made possible under Flood Risk Management Infrastructure funding through the Northern Rivers Recovery and Resilience Program (NRRRP)
Status In progress
Timeframe Starting March 2025. Estimated completion July 2025
Disaster AGRN1012

Connecting all four pump stations to a central control system, with provision to connect future flood assets, the link will enable remote activation, monitoring, and surveillance, reducing our reliance on manual operations. 

Council anticipates minimal disturbance to businesses and the wider community throughout this project.  

This project is made possible under Flood Risk Management Infrastructure funding through the Northern Rivers Recovery and Resilience Program (NRRRP). Lismore City Council has contributed funds to the project to extend the fibre network between critical wastewater treatment infrastructure. 

Browns Creek Pump Station, Lismore

Lower Hollingworth Creek Pump Station, South Lismore

Magellan Street Pump Station (Lismore Transit Centre)

Gasworks Creek Pump Station, East Lismore

Locations: Browns Creek Pump Station, Magellan Street Pump Station (Lismore Transit Centre), Gasworks Creek Pump Station, and Lower Hollingworth Creek Pump Station.