Blue Knob Road

Works have commenced on the repair of four landslip sites created during the February and March 2022 natural disasters, with the project expected to take approx. 12 months due to predicted weather conditions. 

Funding Jointly funded by the Commonwealth and NSW Government under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.
Status In progress
Timeframe Started in April 2024. Timeframe approx. 12 months.
Disaster AGRN1012
Damage Number(s) DM00680, DM01366, DM01361, DM01361

See below for monthly project updates. 

Roadworks along Blue Knob Road.

January 2025

Blue Knob Road (Site DM00680)
All no-fines concrete backfilling and shotcrete works are now completed. The remaining works will be completed once the soil nail installation at Site DM01366 is concluded. This will enable the commencement of pavement replacement and road geometry corrections.

Blue Knob Road (Site DM01366)
The CM subcontractor has completed the installation of the temporary excavation support and is currently installing the remaining soil nails. Upon completion of this task, CMC will proceed with the placement of the sacrificial formwork, followed by backfilling and shotcrete application.

Blue Knob Road (Site DM01361/DM01449)
Backfilling operations have commenced by the CMC subcontractor at the northern end of the site, which are anticipated to be completed by the end of the month. Following this, the final layer of shotcrete will be applied.

At the southern end, the majority of no-fines concrete backfill has been completed, with finalisation expected by the end of the month This progress will enable the installation of the guardrail footing and the commencement of pavement replacement.

December 2024

Blue Knob Road (Site DM00680)
The contractor, CMC, has completed the shotcrete placement and no-fines concrete backfilling. Following the Christmas break, CMC will commence preparations for the guardrail footing pour.

Blue Knob Road (Site DM01366)
The CMC subcontractor has completed the additional acceptance testing required by geotechnical contractor, GHD. However, due to heavy rainfall and drilling contractor unavailability, installation of additional soil nails was postponed until 2025. To prevent collapses during the Christmas break, CMC covered the excavation with plastic sheeting.

Blue Knob Road (Site DM01361/DM01449)
The CMC subcontractor has successfully completed the installation of all soil nails and the necessary acceptance tests. Furthermore, CMC has partially installed the no-fines concrete backfill and placed the galvanised mesh, in preparation for the first lift of the final shotcrete layer on walls 3 and 4 following the Christmas break.

November 2024

Blue Knob Road (DM00680)
Works are progressing well as previously reported. The contractor, CMC, has completed placement of the shotcrete and the no fines concrete backfilling with setup for the guardrail footing pour started with expected completion in December.

Blue Knob Road (DM01366)
Work has been paused due to ongoing issues resulting from multiple weather events. The contractor is currently working through a remediation plan with the designers and will commence following the completion of the soil nails installation at site DM01361/DM01449.

Blue Knob Road (DM01361/DM01449)
Proceeding on schedule with the CMC subcontractor completing the installation of 95% of the permanent soil nails at this site. In the following weeks, CMC will undertake the acceptance test on the nails selected by the principal to verify the overall quality of the work. This will allow the commencement of the backfilling operations and installation of the shotcrete on walls 3 and 4.

August 2024

Blue Knob Road (all sites) 
Progress on the Blue Knob Road landslip project is progressing well. The soil nail installation at the first site is complete
and shotcrete works will commence shortly. Drilling is underway at Site 2 and 3 with soil nailing started at end of the
month and expected to continue throughout September

July 2024

The drilling and soil nail installation at the first site are complete, and testing is scheduled for early August. Meanwhile, drilling has begun at the second site, and clearing and excavation work are underway at the third and fourth sites.

June 2024

Work is progressing on the first of four landslip sites along Blue Knob Road. Contractor CMC is currently focused on the
site closest to Nimbin, where they are constructing two soil nail walls. Once this stage is underway, they will proceed to
establish the second site for excavation.

May 2024

Works began to rectify the first of two landslip sites on Blue Knob Road in late May. The road will remain open under stop-go traffic control to have minimal impact on residents.