Our economic profile

An aerial view over the Lismore region.

Lismore is a city located in the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales, with a population of 44,344 (2021, ABS Data).

It covers an area of 1,267 square kilometres and generates almost $2.5 billion in gross regional product annually.

The city is home to over 4,000 businesses and more than 23,000 jobs, and is accessible by daily flights to Sydney and the motorway to Brisbane. International flights are also available from the nearby Gold Coast.

The Lismore City Economic Profile is a comprehensive, independent analysis of the local economy, derived from official sources and robust economic modelling. It combines 11 data sets and can be used by a wide range of audiences, including government, community groups, investors, businesses, and the general public. It covers various aspects of the economy, such as gross regional product, local jobs, local businesses, employment, unemployment, population, building approvals, industry structure, and more. The platform also delivers a community profile, social atlas and population forecast.

Lismore City Economic Profile

The Manager Destination and Economy can provide specific economic and event impact assessments upon request via business@lismore.nsw.gov.au.  

Economic snapshot

The Lismore region has a diversified economy, including significant contributions from health care and social assistance, education and training, retail trade and construction.

It has a large number of registered businesses and a Gross Regional Product of $2.43 billion (2021, ABR Data).

The region has a strong healthcare sector, anchored by the Northern NSW Local Health District generating over 6,700 local jobs (2021, ABR Data), as well as a well-established education and training sector anchored by Southern Cross University.

Lismore is known for its strong arts and culture scene and diverse agricultural industries, including blueberries, macadamia and wood products. Manufacturing growth is seen in food production, primary metal and metal products.


The total workforce of the Lismore LGA is 20,730 (2021, NIEIR).

Lismore's major employment sectors include health, education, social services, retail trade, with growth experienced in construction, finance, insurance, property, and business services.
The city is home to one of the highest percentages of bachelor's and postgraduate degree holders in the Northern Rivers NSW region and the most vocational workers in the area.

Regional benefits

Lismore City and surrounding villages in the Lismore Local Government Area (LGA) offer attractive natural and commercial benefits for living and working in the region.

The city is well-situated for professional services, infrastructure investment, and development, providing jobs, growth, and sustainability throughout the LGA.

Advantages include: proximity to major transport corridors, south-east Queensland, suitable land for residential and industrial development, and regional reputation and amenity.

The economy is diversified with many key industries, strong industry leaders, access to business support services and mutually supportive business culture.

The community offers a sub-tropical climate, proximity to world-famous hinterland and coastal areas, an enviable natural environment, affordable housing, key services in health, retail, education and recreation and a strong sense of community and cultural diversity.

Our visitors

Over a five year total up to 2021/22, the total tourism sales across the Lismore LGA contributed $132.5 million to the local economy.

International visitors numbered 36,406, averaging a stay of 13.1 days and were likely to be visiting on holidays, accounting for 63.3% of all visitors to the LGA.