Welcome to the first edition of Climate Change News, Lismore City Council’s journey to address climate change.
As the very first edition of Council’s new climate change newsletter, it’s only right to start with a bit of history around what Council has achieved so far.
- November 2014 – Council adopted a Renewable Energy Master Plan. The Master Plan set a target for Council to generate 100% of its own electricity needs from renewable sources by 2023.
- August 2019 - Lismore City Councillors publicly declared a State of Climate Emergency
- February 2020 - Council adopted a Climate Resilience Policy. The Climate Resilience Policy guides how Council can support the community in preparing for and withstanding the impacts of extreme events in a changing climate and enables the community to thrive in a climate changed world. It also recognises that reducing greenhouse gas emissions is important to limiting further climate change.
Other strategies and projects that have contribute to how we address climate change include Biodiversity Strategy, Urban Green Corridors Plan, Waste Strategy and others.
To further progress our commitment and efforts to addressing climate change, Lismore City Council currently has a range of important projects underway. This newsletter will provide you with key updates on Council’s projects as well as invite you to be involved.
The newsletter will be sent out when there are updates or relevant information, rather than following a set schedule.

Current climate change projects underway in Lismore City Council described in a set of new climate change webpages that have been set up on the Lismore City Council website.
The key projects currently underway include:
- Community adaptation planning (see below)
- Monitoring and reporting on the progress of the Renewable Energy Master Plan
- Calculating Council’s greenhouse gas emissions
In 2023 Council embarked upon the journey of creating a Climate Ready Lismore Plan – a plan for how we collectively as a community can adapt to the projected changes in climate for the North Coast. So far, Council has held extensive conversations with key community groups and members to listen and learn from community what they expect and want in such a plan. A report on what was heard is now being collated and will be published on the Climate and Disaster Adaptation Planning webpage over the coming months. Following this, Council will co-design the Plan with Jagun Alliance and will reach out to the broader community sometime in 2024 for your input.
A key message Council has heard from the community so far in conversations for the Climate Ready Lismore Plan, is that as a community, we need to be better at communicating, listening and collaborating. As such, this year Council plans to host informal networking events to encourage conversations on climate change. It’s likely that conversations will be hosted at local cafes throughout Lismore and the villages, so stay tuned for more information. All welcome.

Summer is bushfire season and it's important to be aware of how resilient your home is to bushfire risk. Use the Resilient Building Council’s free self-assessment tool so that you can assess how resilient your home is, be empowered to make informed decisions about your bushfire risk and put bushfire safety in your hands. Visit Bushfires in NSW for official information, support services and fire emergency advice.
How do you feel the heat over summer?
Sweltering Cities is running a huge national survey on heat, health and homes and they want to hear your story. Whether you're leaving the house to go somewhere cooler, concerned about high electricity bills, or have an idea for solutions to extreme heat, your ideas and experiences are important.
The survey is open until March when Sweltering Cities will collate and share a report on their findings. Take part in the survey here.
SunSPOT is hosting a free public webinar introducing solar and how to use their online calculator.
Date: 11am Tuesday February 20, 2024
SunSPOT is not-for-profit and backed by the Australian Government. It has been developed by the Australian PV Institute and UNSW to help Australians understand what solar and batteries can do for them. It is free and private to use. SunSPOT can estimate:
- what size solar system you need (home or business)
- how many panels will fit on your roof
- how long it will take for solar panels/ a battery to pay for itself in savings
Register here
In this edition, we look at reducing waste as a way to minimise your carbon footprint.
Landfills in particular make a significant contribution to greenhouse gas emissions, especially methane from organics like food and green waste. You can help keep these things out of landfill by:
- Reducing food waste – plan your meals, stick to a shopping list, store your food properly and use up leftovers where possible
- If you have a green-lidded FOGO bin, making sure that your food scraps go into this bin rather than the red-lidded landfill bin
- Starting a compost bin, worm farm or Bokashi bucket at home
See here for more information on household waste.
NSW rebate swap for solar offer:
If you’re receiving the Low-Income Household Rebate, you may be eligible to swap your rebate for a free solar system. Save up to $600 a year on your electricity bill. Find out more and apply online.
Household Heating and Cooling Bill Relief
The NSW Energy Bill Relief Fund enables eligible households to receive a one-off bill relief payment of $500 to offset heating and cooling costs. It is a joint initiative by the Australian and NSW Governments.
To get the bill relief payment in NSW you must have an eligible Commonwealth concession card or payment, receive the Family Tax Benefit A and/or B, or have an eligible medical condition.
Community Led Climate Solutions – FRRR Grant
The Foundation for Rural Regional Renewal (FRRR) have indicated that Round 2 of their Community Led Climate Solutions grant program will open in April or May 2024. The fund supports community initiatives with up to $20,000 in funding for a range of climate related projects.
Strengthening Rural Communities; Prepare and Recover stream – FRRR Grant
Open now until Monday 26 February, the FRRR’s Prepare and Recover stream is offering grants up to $25,000 for a range of projects that strengthen the capacity and capability of local communities to be informed, skilled, connected and resourced for the future.
EV Destination Charging Grant
The NSW Department of Climate and Energy Action have opened a community and business grant for EV Destination Chargers. Find out more and apply online.
Find a grant that suits you
Are you looking for ways to boost your community or business? Do you need funding to support your innovative ideas and projects? Then, you should join Grant Guru!