Events and workshops

Farmers Night Out Numulgi Hall    

Lismore City Council, in conjunction with other support services, is holding another recovery event for primary producer families and other rural landholders impacted by the 2022 natural disaster.

This event provides an opportunity for community from Corndale, Eltham, Boat Harbour, Bexhill, Clunes and Numulgi to come together and hear from Local Land Services on ways to remediate and decontaminate soils post floods. There will be talks from the Recovery Me program, the Red Cross, Community Recovery Officers and Rose Wright from Regionality will discuss ways for primary producers/landholders to diversify their businesses. There will be a free BBQ dinner from JunkYard BBQ and music from Mandy Hawkes and Christina Webster.

Community Get Together at Dunoon Hall    

  • Dunoon Hall
  • Friday, 14 June  
  • 5.30pm – 8.00pm
  • For all enquiries, please contact the Community Recovery Officers at
The communities of Dunoon and surrounding suburbs are invited to an evening of information, discussion, music and supper.
With talks by Richmond Landcare Inc on landslips, information about CRTs from the Red Cross, Local Land Services will provide information on soil repair and decontamination post floods and there will be a presentation by the Recovery Me program.
A free supper of soups and homemade breads will be provided by Two Tarts, with music provided by Neil McCann and Julian Smith.

Recovery Me workshops


Are you saying yes to any of these?

  • Having trouble making decisions or feeling easily overwhelmed?
  • Having flashbacks of the event or repetitive negative thoughts?
  • Feel down and depressed?
  • Drinking or smoking more than usual?
  • Having big swings in your emotions, often angry?
  • Avoiding your usual tasks or social events?
  • Withdrawing from the people around you?
  • Then come and learn three proven mental health skills to RECOVER YOU after a disaster.

Recovery Me facilitator Paul Dodd with the support of Lismore City Council is offering free courses in self-care techniques for people who have experienced disaster.

Paul has over 30 years’ experience as a counsellor (including drug and alcohol counselling), disaster recovery case worker and certified mental health worker.

These two-hour workshops encompass a variety of evidence-based techniques designed to support the nervous system.

They will be run on the following dates:

  • Harry Graves Auditorium (upstairs from the Red Dove Café)
  • Saturday, 8 June
  • 11am – 1pm
  • Wednesday, 12 June
  • 5.30pm - 7.30pm
  • Saturday, 15 June
  • 1pm – 3pm

Laughter Yoga workshops – with Happiness Worx

Happiness Worx, with the support of Lismore City Council, is offering free Laughter Yoga workshops to the impacted Lismore LGA community. Laughter Yoga is a life skill that people can take into their daily lives. Practiced regularly, Laughter Yoga has been shown to, among other things, regulate blood pressure, reduce stress, relieve pain, help with social connection, build resilience and improve general mood.

Classes will be held at:

  • Harry Graves Auditorium (upstairs from the Red Dove Café)
  • Friday, 14 June
  • 11am – 12pm
  • Saturday, 15 June
  • 11am - 12pm

Bookings are needed. Book via email at or call 02 6625 0500.

River Time – Healing and Connection event

  • Victoria Park
  • Saturday, 29 June
  • 11am - 2pm

There will be a Healing in Nature event, with a River Time ceremony, weaving and clay art and music from Luke Vassella. Please see the flyer below for more information.
