Planning an event

A marque lit up on the oval with an audience sitting on the grass watching the show.

Council provides assistance for event planning and has funding available for major events.

To host or organise a festival or event on public property, individuals or organisations must complete an Events Application and refer to the Events Guide for compliance information.

The A-Z information guide and Events Application will help organisers meet statutory and legislative requirements and ensure public safety.

Large-scale events or events on private land may require a development application and should be directed to the Duty Planner.

The Council's Event Unit can provide assistance for street parades, sporting events, community festivals, outdoor concerts, conference management and more.

You can also read our Lismore Events Strategy for more.

Contact the Events Officer at (02) 6625 0500 for more information or to apply for Major Events Group Funding. 

Does my event require any other consent?

Some activities will require you to fill out an Events Application and pay a small fee. This includes:

  • The erection of a temporary structure (including a marquee).
  • The use of a public announcement system.
  • Delivering public addresses or public meetings.
  • The preparation or sale of food and beverages.
  • Use of amusement rides such as jumping castles.

You will need to fill out the Section 68 section of the Events Application. A description of the proposed event including date, hours, details of what the activity involves and approximate number of people attending needs to be attached to the application along with a map showing the location of the event. Please lodge this with us 14 days prior to the event. 

For more information or to make a booking, please click below.

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