Strategies and plans

Open Space Strategy 2024-2034

They are places where the community can socialise, play, picnic, exercise, cycle, walk, skate, grow food, encounter and immerse in nature. They provide opportunity to connect and protect nature, build community, be healthy and active. Open spaces add to the character and identity of a town, they bring economic benefits, tourism opportunities, and provide amenity to enhance health and well-being.

This strategy comes at a time when Lismore is recovering from the 2022 natural disaster. It is a time of uncertainty and conjecture about the future. Planned retreat of high flood risk residential areas is currently a topic of interest but is recognised as being a slow and arduous process, should it be implemented. Our city is rebuilding and our residents returning, we have a responsibility to provide all residents with quality open spaces to be active, outdoors and enjoy nature.

Walking, Cycling and Micromobility Strategy 2024 - 2034

The Lismore Walking, Cycling and Micromobility Strategy(PDF, 30MB) (‘the strategy’) is a 10-year plan that aims to increase the number of active transport journeys made by people of all ages and abilities.

The focus is to develop key connections and extensions that enhance the way people move around Lismore's urban areas. The strategy will guide future investment and maintenance of Lismore’s walking and cycling infrastructure and support grant applications.

The need for the strategy was identified in the Sport and Recreation Plan to 2024 which recommended Council ‘Prepare a Walking and Cycling Strategy to encourage increased participation in walking and cycling for recreation, commuting and fitness’.

The strategy has been developed in accordance with community feedback and aligns with a range of strategic objectives in State and Local plans1. It provides a strategic approach for the provision of infrastructure, education and other initiatives that meets the needs of the community.