Public access and representation.

Public Access is held prior to every Council meeting for an hour. Community members can speak for up to three minutes on any agenda item included in the Business Paper. To be included in the public access session, please complete the form below, and submit to Council by 4pm the day prior to the meeting.

Public Representation allows members of the public to speak for or against Council moving into confidential session. To speak during Public Representation, community members must complete the form below and submit to Council by 4pm the day prior to the meeting

Public Forum sessions at Briefings

A Public Forum is held at the start of the briefing, allowing community members to speak to Council on important issues, within 15 minutes (each speaker is given 4 minutes) and on a first-come, first-served basis. Certain items cannot be raised in this forum, please refer to the Public Forum Session Application Form for more information.

To participate, please complete and submit the Public Forum Session Application Form by 4pm on the day of the briefing. AUSLAN interpretation can be requested by calling (02) 6625 0500 through the National Relay Service and requesting to speak with the Mayor & Councillors Executive Assistant.