Public access, representation and question time

Public Access is held at the start of every Council meeting. Community members can speak for up to four minutes on any agenda item included in the Business Paper. To be included in the public access session, please complete the form below, and submit to council 4 hours before the scheduled start of the meeting.

Public Representation allows members of the public to speak for or against Council moving into confidential session. To speak during Public Representation, community members must complete and return the form below a minimum of 4 hours before the scheduled start of the meeting.

Public Forum sessions

A Public Forum is held at the start of the briefing, allowing community members to speak to Council on important issues, within 15 minutes (each speaker is given 4 minutes) and on a first-come, first-served basis. Certain items cannot be raised in this forum, please refer to the Public Forum Session Application Form for more information.

To participate, please complete and submit the Public Forum Session Application Form by 4pm on the day of the briefing. AUSLAN interpretation can be requested by calling (02) 6625 0500 through the National Relay Service and requesting to speak with the Mayor & Councillors Executive Assistant.

Public question time

A public question time will be held following public access at each ordinary meeting of the council for fifteen (15) minutes on the following basis:

  1. The person wishing to ask a question relating to a matter on the agenda must submit their question electronically via council's website at least fifteen (15) minutes before the scheduled start of the meeting. Public question time form
  2. The person once called by the chairperson, will approach the microphone, give their name and ask their question as submitted.
  3. The person must not make any defamatory or insulting statements, and must not discuss another person's personal information.
  4. The chairperson may refuse to deal with any question.
  5. A councillor who has been asked a question may through the chairperson call on the general manager to assist in answering the question.
  6. Any councillor or the general manager who has been asked a question may take the question on notice and respond in writing within ten working days. A copy of the written response will be sent to all councillors.
  7. Questions are limited to two (2) per person.