Council Decides: December Ordinary Meeting

Published on 11 December 2024

Photo of Mayor and Councillors

Welcome to our December issue of “Council Decides”, where we update you on the decisions and discussions of the Lismore City Council’s monthly Council meeting.

The business papers and attachments for the meeting can be found at


Two speakers spoke during Public Forum in favour of the motion calling for the retention of Humanities and Creative Arts at Southern Cross University.


Councillors resolved to receive and adopt the recommendations contained within the minutes of the 20 November meeting of the Local Traffic Committee.


Councillors resolved that Questions on Notice responses provided in the business papers be noted.


Councillors resolved to:       

  • Forward the planning proposal 92 Dunoon Rd, North Lismore to the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) seeking a Gateway determination and proceeds to public exhibition in accordance with any Gateway requirements, and that should any objections be made during the public exhibition stage that the planning proposal be reported back to Council. If no objections are received, the planning proposal be finalised and made, as per the delegation of the Gateway determination
  • Place the amended Development Control Plan 2012 chapters, as identified in this report, on public exhibition for a period of 21 days, and should no objections be raised, the amended Development Control Plan chapters come into effect. If objections are raised, a further report be made to Council outlining the submissions received and any subsequent changes made.
  • Not support the Affordable Housing Contribution Scheme and that the General Manager instruct the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure that the Planning Proposal is not supported and request that it not be finalised
  • Receive and note the November 2024 Investments Report
  • Receive and note the annual report on Code of Conduct statistics for Lismore City Council and forward the report to the Office of Local Government
  • Place the Councillors Expenses & Facilities Policy on public exhibition for 28 days excluding changes to clause 6.29, and if any objections are received during the submission period the Policy be reported back to Council for further consideration. If no objections are received during the submission period, the Councillors Expenses & Facilities Policy is adopted by Council
  • Adopt the Councillor and Officer Interaction Policy, excluding clauses 4.2, 4.21 and 4.3
  • Keep Council’s Briefings Policy unchanged.
  • Adopt the Code of Conduct for Councillors 2023, the Code of Conduct for Staff 2023, the Code of Conduct for Committees 2023, and the Procedures for the Administration of the Model Code of Conduct for Local Councils in NSW
  • Place the Code of Meeting Practice at on public exhibition for a period of 28 days and submissions received for 42 days. If any objections are received during the submission period the Code of Meeting Practice be reported back to Council for further consideration. If no objections are received during the submission period the Code of Meeting Practice is adopted by Council
  • Note the draft minutes of the Richmond Tweed Regional Library, Rous County Council and Northern Rivers Joint Organisation, and that Council receive a Briefing regarding potential changes to the Executive Council position of the Richmond Tweed Regional Library



  • Receive the Mayoral Attendance Report for November 2024
  • Seek funding opportunities through NSW and Australian Government grant programs to continue upgrading the footpaths around the Lismore CBD
  • Establish a ‘Community Pride’ team responsible for (1) enhancing and maintaining the entrances to the city and villages by improving landscaping, signage, and aesthetic features, (2) coordinating an appropriate cleaning and maintenance schedule for all signs, footpaths, bench seating, BBQ facilities, and public areas within the city and villages, (3) engaging with the community to identify priority areas and collaborate on beautification projects, and (4) providing a quarterly report to Council on the activities, improvements, and outcomes of the ‘Community Pride’ team
  • Meet with the Vice-Chancellor of SCU to understand the reason behind the decision to discontinue its undergraduate programs in art and design, contemporary music and digital media from 2025
  • Rescind its motion of October 2023 regarding the removal of rail bridges, (2) write to the local member and Transport for NSW seeking (a) expeditious removal of the rail bridge at Union Street, (b) expeditious removal of the rail bridge at Alexandria Parade, (c) following removal of the rail bridges at Union Street and Alexandria Parade, works be scheduled to remove the rail bridge at Winterton Parade, and (d) the rail bridge at Crane Street not be removed to ensure proper connectivity for future sections of the Northern Rivers Rail Trail
  • Hold a Briefing regarding Council Rangers’ responsibilities and costs
  • Remove all protest signs and replaced with place or welcome signs once budget allocation has been determined



Councillors resolved to exclude the press and public to consider confidential matters. After the session, Councillors returned to announce they resolved to:

  • Accept the 20 suppliers listed in the evaluation results, to form an un-ranked panel of approved providers for Tender VP420227 Panel Contract for Bush Regeneration Works for an initial one-year period with an option to extend the contract for two additional one-year periods at Council’s discretion
  • Rescind its 21 November 2023 decision to implement Balanced Regional Model (C) and proceed to implement Balanced Regional Model (A)


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