Council Decides: July Ordinary Meeting

Published on 12 July 2023


The following is a list of decisions made by Councillors at their Ordinary July meeting held on Tuesday, 11 July 2023.

The business papers and attachments for the meeting can be found at


There was one speaker against the motion concerning the Aquarius Festival and one speaker about a Question on Notice regarding Peace Park in Nimbin.


Councillors resolved to receive the Mayoral Attendance Report for June 2023.


Councillors resolved to:

  • Receive and note the Audit Risk and Improvement Committee minutes for 19 June 2023.
  • Receive the 21 June minutes of the Local Traffic Committee and adopt the recommendations contained therein.
  • Receive the 17 May and 28 June minutes of the Capacity Capability & Recovery Roadmap Project Control Committee and adopt the recommendations contained therein.
  • Receive the 22 June minutes of the Nimbin Advisory Group and adopt the recommendations contained therein.
  • Receive the 21 June minutes of the Aboriginal Advisory Group and adopt the recommendations contained therein.
  • Receive the 22 June minutes of the Sister City Advisory Group and adopt the recommendations contained therein.


  • Councillors resolved to adopt the Council Related Development Application Conflict of Interest Policy with amendments to Notes number 2 and 3 that the Chief Community Officer, or delegate, advise ARIC of these applications at the next scheduled meeting.


 Councillors resolved to:

  • That the full amount of funds approved by resolution at the 11 April 2023 meeting be paid to the Aquarius 50 organisers.
  • To take no further action in relation to its decision of 9 November 2021 to reclassify and transfer Council-owned community land at 9 Sibley Street, Nimbin (Peace Park) to Nimbin Neighbourhood & Information Centre, (b) that staff consider leasing, licensing and other estate options in relation to the request from the Neighbourhood & Information Centre and prepare a report to come back to Council, and (c) a workshop is held with representatives of the Nimbin Neighbourhood and Information Centre to fully discuss the proposals contained in their Concept Plan.
  • Receive and note the Investments Report for June 2023.
  • Defer the decision on Richmond Tweed Regional Library Committee’s sale of vacant land at 1 Lancaster Drive Goonellabah to hold a workshop and is brought back to the August Council meeting.
  • Delegate the RTRL Committee the following functions necessary to enable it to efficiently and effectively perform its functions: a) oversee the efficient and effective functioning of the RTRL, b) deliberate on matters concerning the affairs of the RTRL, c) review and endorse policies and plans relating to the provision of the Services, d) monitor and review the provision of the Library Services, e) oversee the finances of the RTRL, f) review and endorse the RTRL Annual Budget for each financial year, g) liaise with the Executive Council relating to the provision of the Library Services, h) consider and determine any application from a Council to become a Member Council of the RTRL, and i) exercise functions delegated to it by the Executive Council.
  • Place the Open Space Strategy, and the Walking, Cycling and Micromobility Strategy on Public Exhibition for six weeks, and that both strategies come back to Council for adoption.
  • Support the application to close the unused part of EJ Olley Road, which dissects 1224 Cawongla Road, Larnook and upon closure of the Excess Road, sell the land to the adjoining landowner.
  • Approve the appointment of the following individuals to the Access and Inclusion Advisory Group: Brigid Richardson, Elissa Caldwell, Jess Ambridge and John Jensen.
  • Note the draft minutes of Rous County Council.


  • Not rescind its decision relating to Council’s Health Promotion Policy from the 11 April 2023 meeting.

    To elect a new representative for the NSW Rural Fire Service Zone Liaison Committee and Bushfire Management Committee. Councillors Colby and Rob were subsequently elected to the NSW Rural Fire Service Zone Liaison Committee and Councillor Colby to the Bushfire Management Committee with Councillor Rob as the alternate.

  • Hold a workshop to formulate a process for the selection of Australia Day Award winners.
  • To amend clause 3.6 of the Code of Meeting Practise to read the General Manager or their nominee may respond to a question with notice submitted under clause 3.14 by way of a report included in the business papers for the relevant meeting of the council or orally at the meeting, (a) Any response provided to a question with notice submitted under clause 3.16 will be included in the minutes of the meeting. In the case of an oral response a transcript of the response is to be included in the minutes. They also resolve to place the Code of Meeting Practice on public exhibition for 28 days.


When the Council had resumed its former sitting, the Mayor reported that Council, meeting in Closed Session, had resolved to accept  following tenders:

* Fixing Country Bridges Program - Tender T22/224 Greens Bridge Replacement.

* Fixing Country Bridges Program - Tender T20235 Walsh Bridge Replacement.

* Fixing Country Bridges Program - Tender T20236 Ridgewood Bridge Replacement.

* Tender TP23/59 - Hepburn Park LED Sports Lighting Upgrade

* Roads and Bridges Flood Recovery Project - Procurement of Managing Contractor.


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