Council Decides: October Ordinary Meeting

Published on 11 October 2023


The following is a list of decisions made by Councillors at their Ordinary October meeting held on Tuesday, 10 October 2023.


The business papers and attachments for the meeting can be found at



Five people spoke on one topic during Public Access:

  • Five speakers spoke in favour of the recommendation that the application for modification of Development Consent DA92/523 for extension of the life of the quarry at 72 River Bank Road, Monaltrie, by 12 years to 12 May 2032 be refused.


    Councillors resolved to:

  • Receive the Mayoral Attendance Report for September 2023.



    Councillors resolved to:

  • Receive the minutes of the 16 August meeting of the Sister City Advisory Group minutes and adopt the recommendations.
  • Receive the minutes of the 17 August meeting of the Nimbin Advisory Group minutes and adopt the recommendation.
  • Receive the minutes of the 6 September meeting of the Floodplain Risk Management Committee and adopt the recommendation.
  • Receive and note the minutes of the 18 September meeting of the Audit Risk and Improvement Committee.
  • Receive the minutes of the 20 September meeting of the Local Traffic Committee and adopt the recommendation.



    Councillors resolved to:

  •  Approve the application for modification of Development Consent DA92/523 for extension of life by 12 years of the quarry at 72 River Bank Road, Monaltrie subject to conditions.

  • Receive and note the September 2023 Investments Report.
  • (1) Enter into a new license agreement with Lismore Senior Citizens Social Club Inc for occupation of part of Goonellabah Community Centre, with subsidised rent. (2) The General Manager be delegated authority to execute the license with the Lismore Senior Citizens Social Club Inc over Suite 8 and the attached store room at 27 Oliver Avenue, Goonellabah, for a term of five years for the permitted use of:  Lismore Senior Citizens Social Club Activities.
  • Note the following documents be executed as negotiated under delegated authority by the General Manager:

Item A    Lease to Lismore City Council over Suite 6, 164 Molesworth Street, Lismore for Lismore Regional Gallery’s continued use of the office space in line with funding from the State Government 

Item B    Lease to Lismore City Council over Shop 3, 164 Molesworth Street, Lismore for Lismore Regional Gallery’s continuation of the Lismore Regional Gallery Pop up Gallery in line with funding from the State Government.

  • Adopt clause 3.16(a) to be included in Lismore City Council’s Code of Meeting Practice that:
  • (a) any response provided to a question with notice submitted under clause 3.16 will be included in the minutes of the meeting. In the case of an oral response a transcript of the response is to be included in the minutes.
  • Receive the Pecuniary Interest Returns report and acknowledge the tabled Pecuniary Interest Returns.
  • Adopt the Council’s Ordinary Meeting Schedule for 2024 that:
    1. the first Ordinary Meeting of Council for 2024 be held on Tuesday, 13 February 2024 at 6pm and subsequent meetings held on the second Tuesday of the month with the final ordinary meeting for this term of Council being Tuesday, 13 August 2024.
    2. Council’s first meeting after the September 2024 local government elections be held on Tuesday, 8 October 2024 at 6pm with subsequent meetings being held on the second Tuesday of November and December 2024 at 6pm.



     Councillors resolved to:

  • Contact Transport for NSW, Department of Planning and Environment-Heritage and Janelle Saffin MP requesting as a matter of urgency, an accelerated process to be fast-tracked to remove the rail bridge and reopen Terania Street due to safety concerns and the impact on local business. This is to be followed by the removal of the below rail bridges:
  1. Union Street and Frank Street
  2. Crane Street between Barrow Lane and Simmons Street
  3. Alexandria Parade near Flick Street
  4. Winterton Parade near the Lismore Turf Club (preferably during school holidays)



The General Manager provided a response in the Business paper regarding why the CSIRO should not be sought out and asked to be the lead agency undertaking a Regional Vision and Masterplan. No further action was taken.


When the Council had resumed, the Mayor reported that the following had been resolved:

  • Accept the Tender T2023123 from JW Molyneux and C Toms Pty Ltd trading as Half Tide Plumbing and Roofing for the Replacement of Roof - Corporate Centre, 43 Oliver Avenue, Goonellabah.


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