Council Decides: September Ordinary Meeting

Published on 20 September 2023


The following is a list of decisions made by Councillors at their Ordinary September meeting held on Tuesday, 12 September 2023 and Tuesday, 19 September 2023.

The business papers and attachments for the meeting can be found at


Four people spoke on three topics during Public Access

  • Four speakers spoke in favour of the motion relating to the 2023 Local Government NSW Conference.
  • Two spoke in favour of the rescission motion relating to the proposed rezoning of land at Durheim Road, Monaltrie Lane and Wyrallah Road, Monaltrie.
  • Three speakers spoke in favour for a moratorium on house demolitions.

Councillors resolved to:

  • Receive the Mayoral Attendance Report for August 2023.
  • Receive and note the Condolence motion for Mary Betteridge and send a condolence letter to her family.



Councillors resolved to:

  • Receive the minutes of the 19 July meeting of the Capacity Capability & Recovery Roadmap Project Control Committee and adopt the recommendations.
  • Receive the minutes of the 16 August meeting of the Local Traffic Committee Minutes and adopt the recommendation.
  • Receive and note the minutes of the 16 August meeting of the Richmond Tweed Regional Library Committee.



    Councillors resolved to:

  • Receive and note the reported resolution of the Richmond Tweed Regional Library Committee, and that the following changes to the 2023/24 Richmond Tweed Regional Library Fees & Charges be advertised for 28 days and public submissions invited: (a) Reservation Fees be reduced from $2.40 to $2.00, and (b) Inter Library Loan Fees be reduced from $8.00 to $4.50 and that submissions be received and noted and forwarded to the Richmond Tweed Regional Library Committee for consideration and reporting back to Council, if no submissions are received then the proposed fees be adopted at the conclusion of the exhibition period.
  • Receive and note the August 2023 Investments Report.
  • Dedicate community land known at 934 Oliver Avenue, Goonellabah as public road under section 10 of Roads Act 1993 for the purpose of widening an existing public road.
  • Amend Category 1 of the Lismore Housing Grant program to include the relocation of an existing dwelling from a flood-affected lot, and the following be amended to include: Category 1 eexisting landowners who build any of the following housing types on their land within the Lismore Local Government Area (LGA), that is, in addition to an existing dwelling, Category 2, first-home buyers who purchases vacant land to build any new home, or relocate a flood-affected dwelling within the Lismore LGA, and Category 6 any developer of new multi-dwelling housing, residential-flat building or co-living housing within the Lismore LGA that agrees to enter into a Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) with Council to have the housing managed by a CHP for a minimum of 15 years as affordable rental housing, and that the factsheet be amended to provide flexibility in how affordable rental accommodation for this category is reported to Council.
  • Defer the Revised Flood Prone Lands DCP to a Councillor briefing.
  • Change the Meeting Schedule to move the November Ordinary Council meeting to Tuesday, 21 November 2023.
  • Make application to the Minister for Industrial Relations for gazettal of a local even day for the Lismore local government area on 19 December annually designated as “Widjabul Wia-bal Day”.
  • Nominate the charities and respective amounts to distribute the remaining funds in the Lismore Flood Appeal account to (the Lismore Soup Kitchen).
  • Elect Cr Hall as Deputy Mayor to hold the position until the 2024 Local Government election.
  • Have three voting delegates to the 2023 Local Government NSW conference. They are Mayor Krieg, Deputy Mayor Hall and Cr Rob, and that the motion to be submitted to the 2023 Local Government NSW conference is to stop group voting squares at Local Government elections
  • Note the draft minutes of Arts Northern Rivers, Rous County Council and the Northern Rivers Joint Organisation.
  • Note the following documents be executed as negotiated under delegated authority by the General Manager:


    Item A     Lease to Lismore City Council over a suitable space within the Lismore CBD to deliver temporary Christmas activation/s (including Santa’s Wonderland) to support local shopping and community reconnecting in the CBD.

    Item B     Variation of Crown Lease to Lismore City Council over The Cottage”, 651 Skyline Road, Goonellabah, by extending the term of the lease for a further period of five years to expire on 16 July 2029.

    Item C     Renewal of Lease to BP Australia Pty Ltd over Airport Fuel Site No. 1 at the Lismore Regional Airport for a 2-year term with a 3-year option.

    Item D     Renewal of Grazing Agreement with Wayne Gilbert over part 173 Bruxner Highway, South Lismore for a 5-year term with a 5-year option for the purpose of horse grazing.  

    Item E     Licence with Commonwealth of Australia as represented by the Bureau of Meteorology over part 10 Fraser Road, Dunoon for a 5-year term for the purpose of installation, inspection, renovation, repair, replacement, maintenance, upgrade, operation and dismantling of the Bureau’s property that includes but is not limited to weather observation equipment, flood warning equipment, antenna, repeater/ gateway.

    Item F     Licence with Commonwealth of Australia as represented by the Bureau of Meteorology over part 16 Wyreema Avenue, Goonellabah for a 5-year term for the purpose of installation, inspection, renovation, repair, replacement, maintenance, upgrade, operation and dismantling of the Bureau’s property that includes but is not limited to weather observation equipment, flood warning equipment, antenna, repeater/ gateway.

    Item G     Licence with Commonwealth of Australia as represented by the Bureau of Meteorology
    over part 43 Oliver Avenue, Goonellabah for a 5-year term for the
    purpose of installation, inspection, renovation, repair, replacement, maintenance, upgrade, operation and dismantling of the Bureau’s property that includes but is not limited to weather observation equipment, flood warning equipment, antenna, repeater/ gateway.

    Item H     Lease to Lismore City Council for a retail office space in Lismore Central known as 44 Carrington Street, Lismore, for the Richmond Tweed Regional Library with funding from CIRP Arts and cultural priority need; the lease being for a period of one (1) year with either two additional six (6) months options, or one (1) year option if required.



     Councillors resolved to:

  • Not to rescind its decision of Item 11.5 from the 8 August 2023 meeting concerning the Rezoning Planning Proposal for land at Durheim Road, Monaltrie Lane and Wyrallah Road, Monaltrie.
  • Take no further action on deferred matter land, rezoning and associated studies and return funding received from the Biodiversity Conservation Division of the NSW Department of Planning and Environment.
  • Endorse the Northern Rivers Joint Organisation resolution dated 11 August 2023 ‘that the Northern Rivers Joint Organisation Board call on the NSW Reconstruction Authority, Minister for Planning and Public Spaces and Minister for Emergency Services to work collaboratively with Northern Rivers communities and councils to develop a CSIRO informed long-term master plan and vision for rebuilding the region post the 2022 flood disaster’.


When the Council had resumed its former sitting, the Mayor reported that Council, meeting in Closed Session, had resolved to:

  • Accept the tender from Boyds Bay Landscaping Services Pty Ltd ATF Boyds Bay Landscaping Trust for Tender T2023/131 – Nimbin Wayfinding Project - Landscaping and Civil Works for the sum of $311,891.05, excluding GST.
  • Accept the tender from Trinity Skateparks Pty Ltd for Tender T2023114 Goonellabah Skate Park Upgrade Design and Construct, for the sum of $272,690.00 including GST.


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