Help us develop Wade Park Masterplan

Published on 14 December 2022

Wade Park in East Lismore. Lismore City Council is calling for ideas from the community to develop a Masterplan for the popular Wade Park in East Lismore which was damaged by the February natural disaster.

Lismore Mayor Steve Krieg said the Masterplan will explore opportunities to revitalise the park and ensure access to quality recreation and leisure activities.

“Wade Park is one of the most popular parks in our Local Government Area and is well used by families. Unfortunately, it sustained damage in the February natural disaster and major March flood,” he said.

“This is an opportunity to re-envision the park.

“That is why we are calling on the community to let us know what you want in Wade Park now and into the future.

“Council will then use the Masterplan to seek grant opportunities to turn it in a reality, much like we did when we developed the Masterplan for the recently funded Skate Park in the CBD.”

The development of the Masterplan is supported by Parks & Leisure Australia (PLA) which held its NSW conference in Goonellabah in July.

NSW/ACT President Heather Nesbitt said after visiting Lismore shortly after the February natural disaster, the project was identified as an opportunity for the industry to leave a legacy for the city. 

“As an organisation, we wanted to help Lismore with its rebuild and ensure that Wade Park was resilient and sustainable in the future,” she said.

“Our members know first-hand the disastrous impacts of climate change on open spaces, recreation and sports facilities and programs. We know that Councils and communities need resources and funds to build resilience and support community recovery.”

“Parks and Leisure NSW / ACT has facilitated the involvement of organisations such as Context Landscape Architecture, Cred Consulting, Peak Water Consulting, University of NSW and the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects, to develop the Master Plan that will provide a best practice example of resilient open space and recreation facilities”.

Mayor Krieg thanked PLA for “its help with this important project, which will create a positive legacy from the February disaster.”

“I encourage all members of the community to give us their ideas about how Wade Park can be upgraded and improved to meet the needs of our community,” he said.

“There will be an initial survey for people to complete through Lismore Your Say at, and we will provide further consultation opportunities on a draft concept around March next year.”

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