Lismore Cemetery Friends To Honour Loved Ones

Published on 28 June 2022

Funeral flowers

Lismore City Council has launched the “Friends of the Lismore Memorial Gardens, Crematorium and Cemeteries” Program.

The program is a result of family and friends who have requested to do volunteer work at Council’s cemetery sites.

The Friends of the Lismore Memorial Gardens, Crematorium and Cemeteries are a group of volunteers interested in the maintenance and conservation of cemeteries within the Lismore Local Government Area (LGA).

The volunteers will assist with activities such as weeding, rose pruning, mulching, cleaning up leaves and sticks, cleaning headstones and plaques and removing degraded flowers and trinkets.

This will be done in partnership with staff and in sections or areas of the cemeteries of interest to the volunteer.

The Cemetery Friends may also assist with promotional and research activities such as preparing tours and guided walks for community members, genealogical research and preparation of information materials.

The program sets out to protect and maintain the integrity of the Lismore Memorial Gardens, Crematorium and Cemeteries in the physical, philosophical and spiritual sense with regard to Council guidelines and policies now and into the future.

To qualify as a member, you must live in the Lismore LGA or have family/friends interred at the Lismore Memorial Gardens or other cemetery and be able bodied to undertake such activities. You must also be willing to undertake promotional and research activities associated to the cemeteries.

Anyone interested in becoming a volunteer can phone Council on 6625 0500 and speak to the Cemetery Manager who will provide you an application form and talk to you more about the program.

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