New flood DCP now on Public Exhibition
Published on 20 June 2023
Lismore City Council is updating the rules for building in flood-prone areas to better prepare for future flood events and is now seeking community feedback.
The Revised Flood Prone Lands Development Control Plan (DCP) outlines the rules for building on flood-prone land in the Lismore Local Government Area.
It takes a risk-based approach to planning and development in these areas and only applies to new developments that require a Development Application.
Council’s Coordinator of Strategic Planning, Andy Parks, said the draft DCP outlines where certain types of development are acceptable, and where they are not. It also outlines requirements such as minimum floor levels, flood compatible materials and structural soundness.
“The DCP doesn’t impact upon any existing development, but it sets the controls for how and where we build in the future,” he said.
“Given that the climate is changing, we need to plan for more frequent and more severe flood events. The DCP sets out new risk precincts that will ensure our planning controls prohibit inappropriate development, while allowing new businesses and new housing to occur in a way and in places that are suitable.”
“As part of the draft DCP, Council is considering raising its Flood Planning Level. The Flood Planning Level determines the minimum height habitable floors must be built for new homes, and for major works like house raising.”
The DCP has been developed using new modelling, mapping and recommendations from the Lismore Floodplain Risk Management Plan interim report, which can be found on Council’s Your Say Lismore website.
Council has also invested in an online flood planning portal, which allows the community to find flood information relating to their properties, including flood heights and depth under a range of flood events. Flood certificates detailing relevant flood information can be automatically generated and sent via email, saving time and money.
As well as producing a video explaining the proposed changes, Council is holding Community Consultation sessions at the Living Lab at 11 Woodlark Street on Tuesdays and Wednesdays between 1pm and 4pm on 21 June, 27 June, 28 June, 4 July, 5 July, 11 July, 12 July.
Sessions will also be held at the Saturday morning Farmers Market at the Lismore Showgrounds between 8.30am and 11am on 24 June and 8 July.
For more information, to view the video and to make a submission, go to the Your Say tab on Council’s website at
Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 17 July.