Nimbin Rainbow Road Walking Track


Funding This $2.5m project is funded under the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Package, which is co-funded by the Australian and NSW governments
Department Infrastructure and Open Spaces
Status Under construction
Timeframe Due to be opened late 2024
Strategic purpose Spanning 750 meters, the Nimbin Rainbow Road Walking Track promises to be a safe, engaging avenue for both locals and visitors to immerse themselves in the natural splendour of the area while embracing its cultural and artistic heritage

July update

Council recently conducted an onsite meeting with the project Steering Group to inspect the progress of the Nimbin Rainbow Road Walking Track. The Steering Group, which includes key Nimbin community groups and stakeholders, was thrilled to see the project taking shape, with completion expected by late 2024.

During the inspection, the group reviewed various aspects of the project, including park furniture, wayfinding signage, planting and landscaping. Decisions were made regarding the future of existing structures along the track, with a preference for plantings over turfing where feasible. A meeting between the bush regenerator and the Nimbin Community Centre is scheduled for later this month to discuss revegetation areas and landscaping opportunities.

Key stakeholders will also participate in an upcoming workshop to walk through the site and discuss the artwork and wording for wayfinding signage, following the finalisation of designs.

Several improvements to public amenities were proposed, such as additional shade, seating, fencing and enhanced accessibility. These suggestions will be considered based on quotations and budget.

Council extends its gratitude to the Nimbin Community, Community Centre, Nimbin Chamber of Commerce and private landowners for their support and collaboration on this project.

About the project

Featuring well-formed pathways, picturesque boardwalks, and sturdy bridges, the project aims to seamlessly blend into the surrounding landscape. Interpretive signage, locally crafted artworks, comfortable park furniture and over 5,800 new native plantings will further enhance the experience, linking Nimbin's recreational hub with its bustling village centre.

As construction progresses, one of six unique installations by local artists is already taking shape, with the rest slated for completion alongside the track. Renowned production designer Ross Wallace is diligently crafting visual materials and signage to complement the track experience.

The Nimbin Rainbow Road Walking Track, funded by the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Package, aims to construct a 750-meter concrete and boardwalk pathway, catering to Nimbin's active community and tourists alike.

Key features include:

  • concrete pathways, lighting, interpretive and way-finding signage, artwork, bridges over nearby creek systems, park amenities, and native flora enhancements;
  • fully funded with a budget of $2.5 million, courtesy of the Australian and NSW governments;
  • extensive community consultation, including input from property owners and key stakeholders, has shaped the project's vision and design; and
  • the track will offer a preferred pedestrian route linking Alternative Way to the CBD, while future plans include additional artwork initiatives and creek line enhancements with native plantings.

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