Safer Cities: Her Way Lismore CBD Safety Project


Funding The Safer Cities Program is investing $30 million over two years in partnership with Transport for NSW
Department Destination and Economy / Economic Development
Status Construction/installation due to start June 2024
Timeframe Construction/installation due to be finalised September 2024
Strategic purpose The program will deliver demonstration projects aimed at improving the perception of safety for women, girls and gender diverse people when walking or moving to, through and within public spaces and transport hubs

Lismore City Council is committed to enhancing our CBD as a safe and welcoming environment for all. We are thrilled to announce our participation in the Safer Cities: Her Way Program, a collaborative initiative between Transport for NSW and 10 pilot councils across NSW, including Lismore. This program aims to implement demonstration projects focused on improving safety for women, girls and gender-diverse individuals in public spaces and transport hubs.

The Lismore CBD project will involve co-design workshops with local women, girls and gender-diverse individuals to capture the essence of our community's identity. Through various engagement methods, we will select one precinct to enhance, with the following objectives:

  • Enhancing the sense of safety for women and girls, particularly in light of the pandemic's impacts on public spaces;
  • Improving the accessibility, walkability, and safety of pedestrian and cyclist connections both day and night;
  • Creating a welcoming space for community gatherings and connections;
  • Strengthening the identity, character, and value of the chosen precinct while promoting inclusivity and diversity; and
  • Fostering local community stewardship and pride in our shared spaces.

The project's effectiveness will be evaluated to advocate for long-term changes across business centres within the Lismore Local Government Area.

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